Křenovice, Katolický dům
klubovna Československého svazu mládeže · Brněnská 23, 683 52 Křenovice, Česká republika
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The darkest place is under the candlestick

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Rudolf Mrázek was a member of the Scout resistance group SODAN, which had its HQ in Křenovice. Its members fought against the injustice perpetrated by the communist regime. Rudolf Mrázek remembers that they also printed pamphlets for various anniversaries, which they then distributed in public places. In line with = the saying, “the darkest place is under the candlestick,” they first based their operations in the clubhouse of the Czechoslovakian Youth Union in Křenovice. “That’s another jolly thing. There was a youth union in Křenovice, but none of us were its members. None of us had the badge. There weren’t any unionist there at all. We just had the keys to the clubhouse and we elected ourselves into the committee and plotted our mischief from there. At the trial they reproached us terribly that we wrote recommendations for university in the name of the union. We did that for several years at the grammar school. We wrote recommendations from the union: ‘We would need more comrades like him.’ We just had the stamp and we were functionaries of the youth union, but we weren’t members. In this way we controlled the youth union," he recalled.


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SODAN – Scout Organisation for Democracy and Independence

SODAN – Scout Organisation for Democracy and Independence

SODAN was founded in 1950 by several members of the Scout Movement in Křenovice. This resistance group fought against the injustice perpetrated by the communist regime, operating mainly against the newly forming united agricultural co-ops, (UACs), in the village and the surrounding areas. Its chief organizers were Leader Mojmír Babušík, Rudolf Mrázek, and Oldřich Klobas. Members of SODAN printed anti-state pamphlets and sent threatening letters to communist functionaries and people who cooperated with the regime and informed on citizens with anti-communist views. When their activity changed nothing, with the collectivisation and repression steadily progressing, they began setting fire to UAC property – among others the UAC building in Křenovice, hayricks in Šlapanice, Hrušky, Slavkov, Blažkovice and Hlubice. The damages they caused surpassed three million crowns. At its peak, the resistance group comprised around sixty members. Although it was well organized, it was finally betrayed to State Security. In October 1953, most of its members were arrested and later sentenced to many years in prison.

Křenovice, Katolický dům

Available in: English | Česky

Klubovna Československého svazu mládeže v Křenovicích sídlila po roce 1948 v Katolickém domě, který byl slavnostně otevřen 26. srpna 1923 v prostorách místního hostince. V přízemí byl vybudován sál pro divadlo a cvičení členů Orla. V roce 1948 komunistický režim zrušil spolek Orel a prostory převzal k užívání Místní národní výbor Křenovice. Byly v nich vytvořeny kanceláře a také klubovna Československého svazu mládeže. V roce 1993 byl Katolický dům navrácen do vlastnictví Orla, do roku 1995 ho využíval obecní úřad a do roku 2005 se v něm promítaly filmy. Dnes je v budově klubovna, herna stolního tenisu a sociální zařízení.

Křenovice, Katolický dům

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The darkest place is under the candlestick

The darkest place is under the candlestick

SODAN – Scout Organisation …
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