Poděbrady, ulice Na Chmelnici
bydliště rodiny Mašínovy · Na Chmelnici, 290 01 Poděbrady, Česká republika
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I supplied the Mašíns with ammunition before their escape

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When the Mašín brothers decided to leave Czechoslovakia in October 1953, they visited Vladimír Hradec who had been helping them acquire weapons on a long term basis: “Radek, (Ctirad Mašín: editor’s note), came to see me on Saturday the third, and stated that they would run away that night. Milan Paumer came along as well. At my place, they prepared their weapons and cleaned them. Milan had a nine millimeter caliber, I lent him a hammer so that he could hammer down the numbers on the gun to destroy the evidence of the weapon’s origin. I gave them ammunition, they needed nine millimetre bullets and ammunition for the 7.65 mm calibre range gun. They had two 9 mm guns and a 7.65 mm one. They asked for my opinion on whether they should take with them some kind of a hand grenade or a machine-gun. In the end they decided against these options, they expected to be in Berlin in the course of three to four days. But it turned out to be much more complicated, than anyone had anticipated at first.” The Mašíns did not invite Hradec to join them, he explains this by claiming that he would end up like Janata and Švéda if he had decided to go: “Pepík, Radek, and Milan Paumer would run twenty kilometers a day. They were preparing themselves, they were in a good physical condition. Švéda and Janata didn’t do that, I was no sportsman either. I wouldn’t be able to keep up, just like the two weren’t able to.”


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Vladimír Hradec

Vladimír Hradec

Vladimír Hradec was born on May 30th, 1931, in Poděbrady. In the year 1942, he met the Mašín brothers who, at the time, had moved into town. After graduating from secondary school Vladimír started to study chemistry and, at the same time, helped the Mašíns in their activities. After the Mašíns had escaped, the entire Hradec family was arrested and sentenced to many years in prison; Vladimír Hradec received a 22-year sentence. He went through the prisons and camps in Leopoldov, Jáchymov and Bory. Following his release in 1964, he started to work in Spolana Neratovice, (a chemical plant).

Poděbrady, ulice Na Chmelnici

Available in: English | Česky

Zdena Mašínová se syny Ctiradem a Josefem se do Poděbrad přestěhovala v roce 1942, po smrti svého muže. Žili v domku v ulici Na Chmelnici. Právě zde schovávali během války uprchlého ruského zajatce Stěpana Sannikova. Rodina tu zůstala až do podzimu roku 1953, kdy se oba synové prostříleli za hranice.

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