Horní Bečva, Lhotská Louka
zaniklá osada · Horní Bečva 319, 756 57 Horní Bečva, Česká republika
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Out of the Window

Available in: English | Česky

On November 16, 1944 K. H. Frank announced the extensive anti-partisan action codenamed "Grouse." Around the village Lhotská Louka, where Štěpánka Kaliková lived, the Nazi administration declared the martial law and deployed thirteen thousand German soldiers who hermetically sealed the area. Štěpánká Kaliková remembers that when she was on her way home from Horní Bečva the German soldiers started to check the house of her neighbours Tkáčovi. “The Germans went through the wood so nobody saw them,” our witness remembers. Then she watched the whole scene out of the window. Her neighbours were hiding about eighteen partisans so the encounter ended in gunfire. “The partisans were drying their boots downstairs on the oven. They grabbed it and ran to the forest. It was quite cold, a lot of snow. All of them did not get out and the Germans shot three partisans and wounded one of them. They tied the wounded one to their vehicle and pulled him by the car. He had to be dead in minutes. The rest of the partisans got away.” Five partisans and six German soldiers died where the gunfire took place. The Germans set the house on fire and arrested Kamila Tkáčová and her two sons. Kamila Tkáčová did not survive the brutal interrogations and torture and committed suicide in the prison in Frenštát pod Radhoštěm.


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Horní Bečva, Lhotská Louka

Available in: English | Česky

Dnes již neexistující osada se ještě po roce 1950 rozprostírala kolem dnešního rozcestí Lhotská v katastru Horní Bečvy. Ke konci války se v jejím okolí ukrývali členové 1. československé partyzánské brigády Jana Žižky. Dne 17. listopadu 1944 se při protipartyzánské akci s krycím názvem Tetřev v osadě střetli partyzáni s německými vojáky. V přestřelce padlo pět partyzánů a šest Němců. Místo přestřelky dnes připomíná pomník.

Horní Bečva, Lhotská Louka

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Out of the Window

Out of the Window

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