Drozdovská Pila
pomník partyzánského velitele J. Háječka · Drozdov 5, 789 01 Drozdov, Česká republika
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They Tried to Liquidate Us

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As a member of a guerrilla group Zábřeh, Bořivoj Janhuba used to often go to the woods near Drozdovská Pila. He remembers that, in 1944, he participated in a gunfight with an armed group. “We were shooting at them so they could not encircle us. They had to stay in one place, and we took advantage of it and escaped. We could not face them because we did not have enough weapons.” As a result of a long term living in the woods Bořivoj Janhuba, became seriously ill after this event. He suffered from pneumonia and angina. He healed himself in a nearby Janoušov. It was a blessing in disguise because thanks to his illness he avoided the raid of anti-guerrilla troops in Drozdovská Pila in September 1944. It was the biggest anti-guerrilla operation in this locality and the commander of the partisans, Jan Háječek, was shot during it. Soon after that, seriously ill Bořivoj Janhuba had to move to a safer place. “We stopped by in Drozdovská Pila and they started to encircle us again. We managed to escape and I went to my brother´s place to Ráječek where I was down with fevers, pneumonia and angina.”


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Bořivoj Janhuba

Bořivoj Janhuba

Bořivoj Janhuba was born in Zábřeh na Moravě on February 5th, 1925. He was involved in the resistance activities during World War II. He helped hide the run away prisoners, he distributed anti-fascist leaflets, and he sabotaged activities on German trains. On May 24th, 1944 after the wave of arresting, he hid in the woods and joined the guerrillas. Namely the so called group of the young Zábřeh. The guerrillas were short of weapons and that was why they focused mainly on subversive activities. Only at the end of the war, he took part in a few armed attacks on German soldiers. He was excluded from the KSČ (the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia), after the check in 1948. He worked in Jednota Zábřeh from 1948 until his retirement. He presently lives in Mohelnice.

Drozdovská Pila

Available in: English | Česky

Osada Drozdovská Pila byla před 2. světovou válkou oblíbenou turistickou destinací. Koncem války se okolní lesy staly útočištěm partyzánské skupiny Zábřeh. Při největší protipartyzánské akci v tomto kraji, které se zúčastnily stovky německých vojáků, byl 23. září 1944 zastřelen velitel partyzánů Jan Háječek. Dnes tuto událost připomíná pomník v lese.

Drozdovská Pila

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They Tried to Liquidate Us

They Tried to Liquidate Us

Bořivoj Janhuba
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