Praha, Bartolomějská ulice
bývalá vyšetřovna StB a vazební věznice · Bartolomějská 306/7, 110 00 Praha-Praha 1, Česká republika
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They bought almost everything I told them

Dostupné v: English | Česky

The agent Milan Nerad was arrested in May 1951 in Prague. The state security investigation at Bartolomějská Street was moved to Pankrác and then back to Bartolomějská, to the local church of St. Bartholomew, where the interrogation continued. He had threatened with the death penalty but he eventually got 20 years in prison: “I was investigated by two investigators and an incredible amount of protocols was produced that I had to sign. Fortunately, I remembered the first protocol and all the following protocols corresponded to it. Thus they bought almost everything I told them.” Milan Nerad was lucky. If his testimonies had differed, he would have been in all probability put under even more pressure and violence on the part of the investigators.


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Milan Nerad

Milan Nerad

Milan Nerad was born on July 18, 1921, in the town of Ledeč nad Sázavou. His father owned a shoe company, his mother died when he was four years old. He only lived a short time in Ledeč nad Sázavou and after he had completed elementary school, he moved to Horní Počernice. His family didn’t even try to conceal its anticommunist views. Milan Nerad studied at a school of engineering in the Českomoravská-Kolben-Daněk (ČKD) in Prague-Libeň, where he then worked as a clerk. In 1946, Milan Nerad started his own company specializing in the repair of boilers, but the post-war development towards communism thwarted his entrepreneurial plans. In May 1948, he was arrested for the dissemination of anti-communist leaflets in Horní Počernice. He was subsequently interrogated at the secret-police station in Bartolomějská Street and briefly imprisoned at Charles Square. The trial took place in Pankrác but thanks to a presidential amnesty of Klement Gottwald of July 18, 1948, he was released. This experience, however, didn’t prevent him from further engaging in anti-communist activities and he thus founded a clandestine organization called “My Fatherland”. The main aim of this organization was to gather news and information. Eventually, he decided to escape to West Germany. In November 1950, he travelled from Cheb to Waldsassen, briefly stayed in the Valka-Lager near Nuremberg and in March 1951 - with the help of his contacts – he became an agent of the CIO (Czechoslovak Intelligence Office) of František Moravec. As an agent, he was given the opportunity to get involved in activities against the communist Czechoslovakia. His task was to secretly cross the border and carry out certain tasks, like carrying secret messages or helping people flee from Czechoslovakia. As an agent - together with two colleagues – he crossed the border in April 1951 in the Domažlicko region and traveled to Prague with the objective to reestablish the My Fatherland anti-communist group that had disintegrated in his absence. He succeeded in carrying out his task but was arrested on May 11, 1951. He was threatened with the death penalty, but eventually he was sentenced to 20 years in prison. In the years 1951-1964, he was imprisoned in Pankrác, Plzeň-Bory, Leopoldov and Bytíz in Opava. In Bytíz, he made plans to escape, but eventually gave them up. He was released in 1964 from Leopoldov and after his return home, he was hired as a stoker, as a janitor and later as the head of the heating plant in Prague-Spořilov. He received a flat from the heating plant and married. He worked even after his retirement. In 1968, Milan Nerad got involved in the K 231 and is currently the vice chairman of the Confederation of Political Prisoners in Prague, where he lives.

Praha, Bartolomějská ulice

Dostupné v: English | Česky

Nejstarší název Benátská získala ulice od chudé čtvrti, která se v těchto místech nacházela, a podle nevěstince s názvem Benátky. Od konce 14. století do počátku 18. století ulice nesla jméno V Jeruzalémě nebo Jeruzalémská, protože právě na místě veřejného domu založil Jan Milíč z Kroměříže v druhé polovině 14. století Nový Jeruzalém, školu – seminář kazatelů a útočiště kajících se žen. Dnes jsou ve stejných místech budovy policie. Na konci 19. století zde působily řeholnice z Kongregace Šedých sester, které se staraly o nemocné a opuštěné. K úplnému vystěhování kláštera došlo v roce 1949. V tzv. kachlíkárně neboli „na Barťáku“ byla v roce 1947 zřízena věznice Národní bezpečnosti. Od října 1952 se rozšířila o Útvar výkonu vazby Praha 1, po dalším organizačním vývoji byla věznice v září 1963 zrušena. V roce 1950 měla kapacitu dvacet cel pro 120 vyšetřovanců. Byla však mnohonásobně překračována. Na cele stavěné pro 12 vězňů se tísnilo až 45 osob. Tzv. kachlíkára sloužila i jako Hlavní sídlo Státní bezpečnosti (Bartolomějská 14). Dnes objekt využívá Police ČR. Správa vyšetřování StB sídlila v Bartolomějské 10, kde vznikl po sametové revoluci v roce 1989 Ústav pro dokumentaci a vyšetřování zločinů komunismu. Vyšetřovací metody StB lze srovnávat se způsoby gestapa. Fyzické a psychické týrání byly zcela běžnými metodami výslechu. Budovou prošly desetitisíce vězněných československých občanů.

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