náměstí Svobody 46, 385 01 Vimperk, Česká republika
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Reverend, they want to arrest you

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The freshly ordained priest Karel Fořt came in 1948 to Vimperk as a chaplain. Along with him, there were two more young priests and the vicar Wolfgang Jileček in Vimperk. Jileček was later arrested and sentenced to many years in prison for aiding fugitives to cross the state border and escape from Czechoslovakia. In the summer of 1950, the corpses of two naked men with broken skulls were found in the forest in the vicinity of the Vimperk hospital. The authorities concealed the gruesome find but the news quickly spread among the people. Karel Fořt recalls: “In the middle of the night someone threw stones into my window. It was a member of the national police corps.” This policeman was a former gendarme but because his brother was tortured to death by the Nazis, he was labeled an anti-fascist and was allowed to keep working at the national police corps. He was even allowed to go to the church but according to Fořt he subsequently had to report what happened there. “Reverend, they want to blame the bodies on you and put you in jail!” Karel Fořt and his two fellow priests spent the rest of the night considering what to do. In the morning of the next day, the information was confirmed by the post-office lady. She had intercepted a phone call of the secret security which clearly referred to the arrest of the Vimperk priests. It was supposed to take place at night in order not to arouse indignation and uproar in the town. Thus the decision to leave Czechoslovakia had to be made immediately and the priests had less than 12 hours time to carry it out.


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Karel Fořt

Karel Fořt

The catholic priest and editor of Radio Free Europe, Monsignor Karel Fořt, was born on November 8, 1921, in Rožmitál pod Třemšínem and spent his childhood in Vodňany and Horaždovice. He attended grammar school in Strakonice and České Budějovice. In 1940, he was arrested by the Gestapo and briefly imprisoned. In 1941, he joined a Catholic seminary. The following year, he was taken to forced labor in Linz, where he met face to face with Adolf Hitler. After the war, he completed his theological studies and in 1948 he was ordained a priest. He worked at the rectory in Vimperk and toured the secluded and abandoned parishes of Šumava. At the last moment, he was warned about the intention of the secret state police that wanted to arrest him and stage a trumped-up show trial in connection with a murder that had taken place in the area. He escaped on a motorcycle across the border. He served as a priest in Algeria, where he experienced the anti-French uprisings and civil war. Eventually, he settled in Munich, where he served as a priest to his Czech countrymen and also worked as a journalist for Radio Free Europe. After 1989, he lived alternately in Munich and in České Budějovice. He died on January 21, 2014, at the age of 93.


Dostupné v: English | Česky

Město Vimperk (německy Winterberg) se nachází v Jihočeském kraji, v okrese Prachatice. Někdy bývá považováno za „bránu Šumavy“. Původně kolonizační a později i obchodní osadu na „Zlaté stezce“ povýšil na město roku 1479 Vladislav II. V 17.–19. století postihlo Vimperk několik velkých požárů. Při posledním, v roce 1904, lehlo popelem téměř celé náměstí. Město má významnou tiskařskou a knihařskou tradici. Český kalendář pro rok 1485 bývá považován za první kalendář vytištěný na našem území, podle některých pramenů byl dokonce první v Evropě. Na počátku 20. století žilo ve Vimperku jen 205 stálých obyvatel, drtivou většinou německé národnosti. V roce 1910 se k českému jazyku a národnosti hlásili jen dva obyvatelé. V současnosti má Vimperk přes 7000 obyvatel a je vyhledávaným cílem turistů.


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Karel Fořt
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