Liptovský Hrádok
Slovenského národného povstania, 033 01 Liptovský Hrádok, Slovensko
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An overcrowded field hospital

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In January 1945, after having completed her medical training in Kiev, Olga Lugertová was assigned to a Soviet field hospital together with a group of three other young Czech women where they served until the end of the war. The hospital followed the movement of the front lines and gradually moved through all of Poland. In March, the hospital was deployed in Liptovský Hrádek in the Slovak Republic, where some of the toughest fights took place. "German missiles were exploding dangerously close to the hospital and the wounded were lying everywhere. We had far too many patients to take care of and we didn't know where to put them anymore. The wounded would roar in pain scream at us "here am I, take me, take me! Don't let me bleed to death!" It was really horrible. This was perhaps the toughest area of the whole war. We didn't know where to turn to first," she recalled. One day, a severely burned man was taken to the field hospital in Liptovský Hradek from the battlefield. None of the hospital staff believed he could be saved but the young soldier survived and eventually fell in love and after the war married a colleague of Olga Lugertová, the nurse Jiřinka.


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Olga Lugertová, née Budová

Olga Lugertová, née Budová

Olga Lugertová, née Budová, was born in 1925 in the village of Hulča in Volhynia. She went to a Polish school. In 1944, she was drafted to the Soviet Army in Kiev, where she spent six months undergoing medical training. In the beginning of 1945, she was sent with three other Czechs to a field hospital in Malá Polana in the Slovak Republic. There, Mrs. Lugertová moved with the advancing forces through Slovakia. After the war, she worked as a dentist in Litoměřice, where she moved from Volhynia together with her parents.

Liptovský Hrádok

Dostupné v: English | Česky | Slovensky

Liptovský Hrádok se nachází ve východní části Liptovské kotliny při soutoku Váhu s Belou. První písemná zmínka o Liptovském Hrádku pochází ze 13. století. Město bylo nazváno podle jednoho ze tří hradů, které se nacházely na území dnešního Liptova. Na začátku roku 1945 se do Liptovského Hrádku přesunula postupujíc těsně za frontou ukrajinská polní nemocnice, ve které sloužily čtyři české zdravotnice.

Liptovský Hrádok

Na tomto místě

Přeplněná polní nemocnice

Přeplněná polní nemocnice

Olga Lugertová, rozená Budová
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