úkryt J. Pelikána · Kořenec, Česká republika
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Fake Secretary

Dostupné v: English | Česky

During the war, Jindřich Tesař, his father, and his brother were connected to the resistance movement. Beside others they helped people who were hiding from the Nazi regime. Tesař remembers how his father helped hide Jiří Pelikán in the village Kořenec. Pelikán was a member of a communist resistance movement and in 1940 he was imprisoned for several months in the Gestapo headquarters in Olomouc. After he was released, he could not leave the town, but he managed to run away from the court. “He was a university student, ran away from Olomouc and got to the woods of Drahanská vrchovina. There we had a connection to gamekeepers to whom we handed over the refugees and they transferred them further in the east. And Pelikán came to the solitude to the gamekeeper´s lodge in Cetkovice. I and my father agreed that they need a secretary in Kořenec and that Pelikán could stay there under another name. Till the end of the war he worked there as a secretary. After the war he visited everyone who helped him and thanked them. He moved to Prague and there he directed radio and then television," Tesař recalled.


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Dostupné v: English | Česky

Nejstarší písemná zmínka o obci je z roku 1490. V historické době bylo obyvatelstvo Kořence vždy národnostně české. Během druhé světové války se v obci ukrýval člen komunistického odboje Jiří Pelikán. Pod falešným jménem Bohumil Paroulek v ní působil jako obecní tajemník. Jiří Pelikán byl po roce 1948 poslancem Národního shromáždění a Sněmovny lidu FS. Po invazi vojsk Varšavské smlouvy emigroval do Itálie. Dnes je na jeho památku v obci pamětní deska a v místním muzeu má pamětní síň.


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Falešný tajemník

Jindřich Tesař
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