Plzeň, Nová Hospoda
dům rodiny Dembovských · Nová Hospoda, 318 00 Plzeň-Plzeň 3, Česká republika
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US military turned me into a smoker

Dostupné v: English | Česky

Luděk Dembovský remembers how US Army soldiers moved in their house at Nová Hospoda in May 1945. They had to secure the entire liberated territory and they chose the house for their headquarters in the village. “They had a Jeep in front of the gate that was running all the time; they just kept refuelling it. It was used as a power generator. Cables ran to the house and they had a radio upstairs,” the witness remembers. They maintained radio contact with other units. Reportedly, living with US military was pleasant. Luděk Dembovský praises their food supply. “And cigarettes. That was one thing that was bad influence on me, because I learned smoking because of them and remained a smoker for many years after. I only quit at seventy or so. The times were different back then. In any film of the era there was someone, like Oldřich Nový, taking pulls on a long cigarette. Smoking was just part of the lifestyle,” concludes Luděk Dembovský who was fifteen years old at the time.


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Luděk Dembovský

Luděk Dembovský

Plzeň, Nová Hospoda

Dostupné v: English | Česky

První historicky doložená písemná zmínka o obci Nová Hospoda je z roku 1713, kdy zde vznikla Hospoda Zeleného dvora a kolem ní další čtyři chalupy. Odtud také pochází název obce. V 18. století Nová Hospoda zaznamenala díky hornické činnosti v blízkém okolí prudký nárůst obyvatel. Správně náležela pod blízké Vejprnice. V roce 1950 byla připojena k Plzni.

Plzeň, Nová Hospoda

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Američtí vojáci ze mě udělali kuřáka

Američtí vojáci ze mě udělali kuřáka

Luděk Dembovský
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