The snow-white uniforms
Even after fighting, the American soldiers cared deeply about their neat appearance and took pride in their uniforms, which were always snow-white. Josef Vlach remembers being in Pilsen when the Americans pitched two huge tents on the riverside. One was used as a shower room, and the other as a laundry, which supplied soldiers with clean uniforms and underwear. Another witness, Josef Jehlík, recounts that in the village of Úboč the Americans used to go to his mother and ask her to iron the creases on their shirts. When she complied, they brought her chocolate to show their gratitude.
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- Petr Tolar
2018-01-06 22:41:20 - Spíše než k Denisovu nábřeží náleží ona vzpomínka na americkou polní prádelnu k břehu řeky Radbuzy u Štruncových sadů, u sokolovny Sokola Plzeň I. Právě zde byla umístěna prádelna, ve které sloužili především černošští vojáci americké armády. A za nimi tam rády chodily plzeňské děti.