Bruntál, internační tábor Machold
Vrchlického, 792 01 Bruntál, Česká republika
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They took everything they had

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Miloslav Šafrán was a soldier of the 3rd tank battalion of the 1st Czechoslovak armored brigade. This unit moved to Bruntál in June 1945, where the soldiers helped with the concentration of the German population, securing their property and the organization of their subsequent deportation. On July 12 and 13, 1945, Miloslav Šafrán thus witnessed the expulsion of about 3,700 Germans from Bruntál and also the admission of local Germans to the transit camp Machold. The administration of the camp was in the hands of the local security guard troops, and the task of the soldiers of the tank battalion was allegedly only to assist them. “A group that called itself the ‘Revolutionary Guard’ came into existence there. No one elected them, they simply established themselves. The members were sort of adventurers. They made a stand there, where they received the Germans. You wouldn’t see a young man among the Germans - it was all elderly folks, women and school kids. Each one holding a bag with just what he needed. The members of the Revolutionary Guard brought a laundry basket to the stand. We wondered what they needed it for. They searched the Germans and took away anything of value: rings, earrings, necklaces. They simply robbed them. When an earring didn’t go off, they tore it off, ripping the ear with it. When I saw this, I thought that it simply can’t be true. But it was and we couldn’t do anything about it” recalled Miloslav Šafrán.


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Miloslav Šafrán

Miloslav Šafrán

Miloslav Šafrán was born December 7th 1924 in Mokré Lazce. Due to his year of birth, he was sent to do forced labor, (Totaleinsatz), in Germany in 1942, among other places in Stuttgart, Essen, and Kassel. At the end of the war in 1945 he escaped back to Czechoslovakia, to the Těšín region, where he joined a Czechoslovak brigade which formed a fraction of the Red Army. He was trained as a machine-gunner in the T 34 tank and he took part in attacks against the German soldiers, so-called Werewolf units, in the Bruntál region. He left the army on March 15th, 1947. In 1949 he made a complaint against the cancellation of his mother's legionnaire's pension, which she was receiving after the death of her husband. Šafrán was sentenced to 16 years of imprisonment for high treason. He was interned for 11 years, nine of which were spent in the uranium mines in Bytíz and Jáchymov. He was rehabilitated in 1960.

Bruntál, internační tábor Machold

Available in: English | Česky

V areálu bruntálské textilky Machold, která na přelomu 19. a 20. století zaměstnávala na 2000 lidí, se za války nacházel pracovní tábor pro ženy židovského původu a vojenské zajatce. Lágr údajně byl pobočkou koncentračního tábora Osvětim. Po skončení války na jeho místě vznikl sběrný tábor pro Němce. V srpnu 1945 zde bylo umístěno 603 osob čekajících na odsun. Správa sběrného tábora spadala pod vedení Místního bezpečnostního strážního oddílu, jehož členové se rekrutovali většinou z řad bývalých partyzánů. Měli za úkol shromažďovat a hlídat Němce, ale často se při tom dopouštěli hrubého násilí a obohacovali se na úkor místních obyvatel.

Bruntál, internační tábor Machold

On this place

They took everything they had

They took everything they had

Miloslav Šafrán
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