Praha 4 - Pankrác, Soudní 988/1
vazební věznice · Soudní 988/1, 140 00 Praha-Praha 4, Česká republika
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Tomorrow Your Darling Is About to Hang

Dostupné v: English | Česky

In 1948 Eva Dušková´s fiancé, Miloslav Choc, was convicted for alleged murder of the StB Major Augustin Schramm. At that time a sixteen-year-old Eva who knew about the hidden parachutes and her mother Ludmila, who gave a shelter to Choc, were subsequently judged together with other people in the series of processes of the so-called “chociáda.” The last time Eva saw her beloved was the night before his execution in Pankrác prison. “They took me to the death cell. There were two boxes looking like coffins. Míla could have a three-hour visit, but in an hour the wardens got an order and took me away. I do not even know how I got back to my cell. You know, to see a healthy man, full of life that has to die, it is horrible,” she recalled. Choc was executed on February 19, 1949. Eva was sentenced to five years of imprisonment and her mother to fifteen years.


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Eva Dušková, born Vokálová

Eva Dušková, born Vokálová

Eva Dušková, born Vokálová, was born on the 11th of November 1931 in Prague, into the family of the builder and architect František Vokál, (died 1943). After the war his wife Ludmila rented out the basement of their villa to technical students from out of Prague. Through them, Eva became acquainted with Miloslav Choc, a student and functionary of the national socialists. Miloslav Choc crossed the borders in the spring of 1948, with the intention of emigrating, but he later decided to join the resistance and he returned entrusted with several missions. After the May murder of Augustin Schramm, an important functionary of the partisan movement and Security Major, Choc was the one accused, arrested in Olomouc on the 2nd of June. Shortly before his arrest, State Security also arrested his girlfriend's family. Choc was sentenced to death and executed on the 11th of February 1949. Eva and Ludmila Vokálová ended up in prison, (Eva spent five years in juvenile detention centres in Hradec Králové, Kostelec nad Orlicí - based in Doudleby - in the juvenile girls' detention centre in Lnáře and the centre in Zámrsk). Her mother was not released from prison until 1960, dying soon after from the effects of the long imprisonment and slave-like working conditions.

Praha 4 - Pankrác, Soudní 988/1

Dostupné v: English | Česky

Za první republiky se zde popravovalo na šibenici. Počet popravených ovšem vůbec nelze srovnávat s obdobím nacistické okupace, kdy bylo v letech 1943–1945 v tzv. sekyrárně popraveno gilotinou přes tisíc osob, mezi nimi i ženy. Po válce se zde konaly veřejné popravy nacistických zločinců a kolaborantů. Popravy pokračovaly i za komunismu, od roku 1954 zde bylo jediné popraviště v Československu. Poslední trest smrti byl vykonán v únoru 1989, celkový počet popravených je 1580.

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