Praha - Strašnice, crematory
Vinohradská 2254/218, 100 00 Prague-Prague 10, Czech Republic
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Praha - Strašnice, crematory

Available in: English | Česky

The Strašnice crematory was designed by the architect Alois Mezera, the opening ceremony on 23 January 1932 was presided over by the Mayor of Prague, JUDr. Karel Baxa. The crematory did not begin actual operation until 4 April 1932. Until 1954, when the Motol crematory was opened, Strašnice Crematory was the only such building in Prague. During the Nazi occupation, the bodies of resistance members executed at Pankrác or Kobyliská střelnice were secretly cremated here.

Praha - Strašnice, crematory

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Secret Lists of the Dead

Ing. František Suchý
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